Client Testimonials

Read what my clients have to say about their experience with Evolve Recovery.

Client Success Stories

Discover how our services have positively impacted the lives of our clients.

Alcohol Reduction Programmes

Life-changing experiences shared by participants in our Alcohol Reduction Programmes.

Self-development Courses

Explore the transformative journey of individuals who have taken our self-development courses.

Good evening my precious Emma.  You are such a gifted speaker with so much to share from that heart of yours. I am truly grateful for having been a witness to your growth during this part of your journey. And, most if all I feel immensely lucky and appreciative to have met YOU

Join Us and Start Your Journey Today

Are you ready to experience the transformative power of Evolve Recovery's services? Contact me now to book a session or enroll in one of the self-development courses. Let me guide you towards a healthier, happier, and more empowered life.